
ClimaXXX XXXmas Count-UP no.14: Scrooged

"I've never liked a girl enough to give her 12 sharp knives"
Scrooged is my favourite Christmas movie. Even more so than Silent Night Deadly Night. I obviously can't do it justice so check this top 10 moments video out:

SO - there you go. A Climaxxx Top 14 Christmas Count - UP. Have a cool yule and normal programming will resume soon!

ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.13: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

"What are you looking at?"
"Oh, the silent majesty of a winter's morn, the clean cool chill of the holiday air, and an asshole in his bathrobe, emptying a chemical toilet into my sewer..."

Today's the day! Happy Christmas!
And yes I fully realise a countdown where the numbers go up instead of down kind of defeats the purpose but I'm a very badly organised person. And it was in no particular order. But National Lamppoon's Christmas Vacation is my second choice - the next one is my very favourite.


ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.12: Gremlins

So some guy made the following video for a girl he loves asking her to come back to him. It's a Gremlins montage set to Christmas music and it's even got the gremlins theme tune at the end so I'm presuming he did something pretty bad. But the video is great. Hope it worked out for him:

Uh, still 1 day to go!

ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.11: Trading Places

Trading Places - who can forget Louis Winthorpe III (Dan Ackroyd) showing up at the Christmas party stuffing a large smoked salmon into his grey beard and then eating it on the bus:

And just in case you're STILL not in a Christmassy spirit:

1 day to go!


ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.10: Planes, Trains and Automibiles

Ok, ok, so technically Planes, Trains and Automobiles is about getting home for Thanksgiving but I only just realised this when watching it a while after John Hughes died. In my brain it may as well be about Christmas because it's all cold and snowy and about togetherness and (be warned) Steve Martin cursing his head off:

This is also pretty Christmassy:

And this:

only 2 days to go!


ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.9: Nightmare before Christmas

Nightmare before Christmas combines a lot of my favourite things - (Hallowe'en, Christmas, claymation, musicals) into one sweet deal of a movie. This song is sung by Jack Skellington ( who is from Hallowe'en Town) when he discovers Christmas Town:

This clip is after Jack has kidnapped Santa and taken over the job:

You can buy the DVD here for just € 4.69

3 days to go!


ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.8: Elf

I'm so behind the times. Apparently yesterday (the 18th) was Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day. This is the kind of important thing you miss when you're not on Facebook. I also really miss the social intricacies involved in ignoring people that you met at that party and really clicked with but who you, let's face it, in the cold light of day, have no interest in ever talking to again even though they keep messaging you and posting photos of you off your bleedin' bracket on your manager's page. Bah Humbug! (Saying that makes your rant Christmassy and therefore acceptable.)

Anyway - Back to Buddy the Elf:

6 days to go!


ClimaXXX XXXmas Countdown no.6: The Snowman Dubstep remix

The title says it all really:

If you are loving that, which I strangely am, you can download a 320mp3 here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m3fe98.
Check out http://www.myspace.com/hereldeduke for more (unfortunately non seasonal) dubstep.

Woo! 9 days to go!


Climaxxx xxxmas Countdown no.5: Beardyman's Christmas Message

I love Beardyman. Watch with suitable glee as he explains the true meaning of Christmas (with pretty bad language - be warned), rolls a seasonal joint and is generally just a big amazing weirdo:

Did I mention I love him? You can't spell Beardyman without DREAMY.


(15 days to go)


Climaxxx xxxmas countdown no.4: Silent Night, Deadly Night

Whoever said Christmas is all hugs and twinkly lights and mince pies? Certainly not ol' Gramps from one of the opening scenes of Silent Night Deadly Night:

Poor Billy ends up on a Christmas themed 80s teen slasher rampage:

It's a shame really. He was quite the catch otherwise:

16 days left (to make sure you're not on the NAUGHTY/PUNISH list!)


Climaxxx xxxmas countdown no.3: Sesame Street

Grover and Kermit interviewing kids about Santa - check out the rad jumper on the Santa Claus keys kid:

18 days to go!


Climaxxx xxxmas countdown no.2: Father Ted

Ok so embedding is disabled but if you click the following link you can watch the full Father Ted Christmas Special. the whole episode is great but the first section where all the priests get lost in the lingerie department is classic :
Father Ted Christmas Special - full episode

20 days to go!


ClimaXXX Christmas Countdown no1: Bad Santa

Ah December. Finally I can wear my geansaí nollaig without fear of recrimination, say 'Bah Humbug' out loud non ironically, and most importantly watch and listen to a load of good Christmassy fare while stuffing whole, unopened selection boxes into my gob. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Hence the ClimaXXX XXXmas countdown - starting with 2 of my favourite clips from Bad Santa. Billy Bob you genius:

Check out Bad Santa at imdb if you like or more clips on youtube


TUNE: Freedom 90 - unplugged

George Michael performed a live acoustic gig in London in 96 - here is his unplugged version of Freedom 90 - it's quality - particularly the funky breakdown. And NO - I wasn't just looking up George Michael because it was his week on X Factor a while back. I don't even know what an X Factor is. Much. Check it out - his voice is amazing and the song works so well acoustically:

I can't seem to find this album to buy anywhere but you can check out more of it on youtube here or check out http://www.myspace.com/georgemichael