Dirty Bird records, owned by CLIMAXXX fave Claude VonStroke have been putting out great tech house records since 2005, with artists like Claude himself, Justin Martin, Worthy and Riva Starr.
Their website is full of great mixes, news, and a sweet mp3 and clothing store.
Check these mixes,
Chewy's favourite ever DJ set: Claude Von Stroke - Collar Mix
and Justin Martin - Go Mix
The mainstream media has been writing the epitaph for the record industry ever since we crossed over into our brave new 21st century Web 2.0 world: quality independant labels like Dirty Bird show just how much you should ignore them.
And if this kind of wonky tech is your thing, check out the up'n'coming Shonky, featured in the great art zine, Bang Bang Berlin, which while your at it should also satisfy your craving for all things Berlin
Shonky - www.myspace.com/shonkar
Bang Bang Berlin magazine:
Catch Claude Von Stroke in The Button Factory on June 27th thatnks to Night Flighthttp://dirtybirdrecords.com/audio/mixes/CVS_MIX.mp3